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How the 2024 Presidential Election Will Affect the Business Selling Environment

Updated: Aug 27

Trump or Harris? Which administration favors business owners looking to sell within the next 4 years? And how will business valuations be directly impacted by each candidate?

As we approach the 2024 presidential election, many business owners are pondering how the outcome will impact the environment for buying and selling businesses. Lately, it’s a question we're hearing quite often at Robbins Pellegrino. Let's be clear: no one can predict the future, and we're not claiming to do that. We can, however, share our thoughts and insights based on past trends and current economic indicators.

The Impact of Political Change

It's no secret that the political landscape drastically influences the business environment. The upcoming election is particularly pivotal, given the current political volatility in the country. Whether the current administration remains in power or a new one takes over, there will likely be significant implications for businesses of all sizes.

If the Current Administration Stays:

Should the current administration remain in office, we can expect things to stay pretty much the same regarding taxes, labor, and overall business regulation. This could mean stability in certain aspects of business operations, but it could also perpetuate existing challenges such as workforce issues and regulatory burdens. Businesses might experience consistent revenue streams, but they should also brace for ongoing regulatory scrutiny and potential tax hikes.

If a New Administration Comes In:

On the other hand, a change in administration, particularly a shift to a Republican leadership, could bring about different impacts. Historically, Republican administrations have been associated with business-friendly policies, including tax cuts and deregulation. This could potentially boost business valuations and market confidence over time. However, it’s crucial to note that such changes wouldn’t happen overnight. There might be an initial period of market uncertainty and adjustment as new policies are proposed and implemented.

Short-Term vs. Long-Term Effects

In the immediate aftermath of the election, regardless of the winner, we expect to see some market volatility. This is a common reaction to political change, driven by uncertainty and speculation. Business valuations might experience temporary dips as the market adjusts to new leadership and potential policy changes.

Short-Term Outlook (Next 12 Months):

For business owners looking to sell in the next 12 months, the impact might be minimal. Current market conditions suggest that valuations will remain relatively stable in the short term. The key is to focus on the present market conditions and the intrinsic value of your business rather than getting caught up in political speculation. If you’re considering selling, now might be a good time to proceed, as the immediate post-election period is likely to maintain current valuation levels.

Long-Term Outlook (Beyond 12 Months):

The real impact of the 2024 election will be felt more acutely beyond the 12-month mark. Once the initial post-election adjustments settle, we’ll have a clearer picture of the economic direction and policy priorities. This is when we’ll see the true effects on business valuations and the overall business environment. Factors such as corporate tax rates, changes in minimum wage laws, and small business support initiatives will significantly shape the business landscape.

What Should Business Owners Do?

Given the uncertainties, here are a few strategies for business owners considering selling their businesses:

1. Stay Informed: Keep abreast of political developments and economic indicators. Understanding the broader context can help you make more informed decisions.

2. Focus on Business Fundamentals: Regardless of political changes, the fundamental value of your business is driven by its performance, financial health, and growth potential. Continue to strengthen these core areas.

3. Be Prepared for Market Volatility: Expect some market fluctuations around the election period. Being mentally and financially prepared for these changes can help mitigate stress and enable you to make strategic decisions.

4. Consult with Experts: Engage with business brokers, financial advisors, and legal experts who can provide tailored advice based on the evolving political and economic landscape. At Robbins Pellegrino, we are committed to helping you achieve the best possible outcome for your business sale.

5. Timing is Key: If you’re planning to sell within the next year, it might be wise to move forward sooner rather than later to take advantage of the current stable valuations. If your timeline extends beyond that, prepare for potential adjustments in market conditions and valuation metrics.


The 2024 presidential election will undoubtedly influence the business selling environment, but the extent and nature of this impact will vary based on the election outcome and subsequent policy changes. "I can tell you that it's going to affect it," Chandler notes, "but to what degree and how so, we're going to have to watch and do that together."

By staying informed, maintaining strong business fundamentals, and seeking expert guidance, business owners can position themselves for successful transactions, regardless of political shifts. At Robbins Pellegrino, we're here to provide the insights needed to make informed decisions about your business’s future.

About Robbins Pellegrino: Robbins Pellegrino is a Florida-based business brokerage firm led by Chandler Robbins and Joe Pellegrino, Jr. that is committed to redefining industry standards. We focus on creating meaningful partnerships and ensuring successful business transitions for both buyers and sellers. For more information, visit us at or call (239) 360-6273

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